Thursday, August 16, 2007

Let's get is started

Today is my first day of MBA orientation. I'm pretty excited. So far I have met about 20 of my 80 classmates and hopefully I'll get to know the other 60 today and tomorrow. Last night about 15 of us met for dinner and some of the spouses came as well.

I really need to ask Kelley to write a blog because she has been doing some really neat stuff, I'm very proud of her. She has learned a diffucult computer graphic design program in about 8 days and will submit her sample work today for a 2nd round interview at a local design house. I really think they will be impressed. I'll ask Kelley to share more details.

It's been about 6 weeks since we left Michigan. I've got to say that although we miss our family and friends in Michigan, it seems like this has been a good change for us. I am certain that it is refreshing to take some time off of work. It is just so nice to be able to clear your mind and just decide....OK...I want to learn more about this today. I want to go explore this place and read this book or call these people and just ask them questions.

For the benefit of those who think I have been waking up at 10:30AM and dragging myself to the coffee shop each morning...I have actually been working (heaven forebid). I have spent the past 3 weeks working about 4 hours per day (don't forget, I'm still in the "transition phase") with a landscaping crew. I have basically been doing this type of stuff...dig, scoop, haul, rake, lift, move, repeat...I have been working at a new house construction site and basically I have been working as a day laborer. I show up, do whatever I am told to do, get paid and come back the next day.

Yesterday I worked with a lady who has recently returned from a sailboat trip to CUBA. Yes, it is very illegal for an American to sail to Cuba, but she did it. It's quite a story.

I sure hope all who read this are doing well. We love you and miss you and we'd love for you to come visit us in Boulder. Bye.

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