Monday, August 20, 2007

Kent and Marilyn receive Award!

My sister and brother-in-law, Marilyn and Kent Fannin have received an award. Please see the details here........THIS IS FROM A PRESS RELEASE

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WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. Congressman Tim Walberg (R-MI) announced today that he nominated Kent and Marilyn Fannin of Jerome , Michigan for an "Angels in Adoption" award from the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI).
The Fannins have been involved with Family Services and Children's Aid of Jackson and Lenawee Counties for several years and serve as both adoptive and foster parents.
"The dedication of Kent and Marilyn to cheerfully giving of their time and talents has left an indelible, lifelong impact on the lives of several boys and girls in south-central Michigan ," Walberg said. "It gives me great pleasure to honor this remarkable couple that truly deserves the title 'Angels in Adoption.'"
Background on Fannin Adoption:
In 2003, Kent and Marilyn Fannin came to Family Service and Children's Aid in Jackson, Michigan and inquired about providing a home for abused and neglected children. Although they had a young son of their own; they felt their mission in life was to provide for other children who needed them.
Within a year of being licensed as foster parents, they began caring for a severely mentally and physically handicapped 7-year-old boy who suffered from cerebral palsy, seizures, and autism. He was non-verbal and functioning as an eight-month-old.
Even though the couple recently had their second child, they gladly accepted this child into their home. Within six months, because of the Fannin's hard work, encouragement and support, this young man progressed until he was able to feed himself, walk with assistance, and communicate his needs.
In 2005, Kent and Marilyn began attending a Bible and missionary training college and were considering serving on a foreign mission field; however, during this time, the now 10 year old boy's mother released her parental rights. After spending some time considering the situation, they made the decision to adopt this child and decided their mission in life was to help other children like him. In 2006 the Fannins were contacted again about a baby girl who needed placement. They chose to adopt her as well. They recently cared for a 1 ½ year old legally blind child and have since become the birth mother's support system. When a 9 year old girl needed emergency placement, Kent and Marilyn helped nurture her through a traumatic time.
Caseworkers describe the Fannins as patient, generous, understanding, nurturing, stable, considerate, and selfless. They treat children, families, and workers with respect and are always willing to go the extra mile for a child in need. They are never negative.
They carefully and prayerfully consider which children they can be most effective with. They do not seek attention for themselves and ask nothing in return.
They have dedicated their lives to helping needy children. They are truly "angels in adoption."

1 comment:

Boysnberries' Brambles said...

What a wonderful recognition for an all-sacrificing endeavor!