Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Little Press Coverage and What's New...

Kelley and I were in included in the most recent edition of the University of Colorado Real Estate Journal...the article was about our trip to Nicaragua. Not sure if you'll be able to read the article from this photo, but if you send me an email I'll send you the document. It was really good timing as this past week we had our Annual Real Estate Conference and about 300 real estate professionals from Colorado were given a copy of the periodical. Hopefully that will help me with my internship search!

Some of the news from our front:
1) Kelley has had a few book illustrating jobs since the first of the year. She is doing a super job and the company is very pleased with her work. Email her and maybe she could send you some images of the work she has done?
2) Our families (both the Fannin and the Shirkey families) are travelling to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina the final week of April. This is going to be an awesome week and I can't wait to have everyone in the same house...not to mention the fact that we'll be a 5-iron from the ocean (and a golf course for that matter)! Daniel and Amanda are not sure if they can make it yet, but we all sure hope they can. I've got some nephews to throw into the ocean...
3) My internship search is in full swing. I've got some good leads and hope to have official news soon. It's really fun to be looking for a job in a new field...I feel very fortunate.
4) School is going well, it is much more difficult than last semester, but that may also be due to the fact that I am working each Friday. My weekends have been totally school work.
5) Kelley is really, really busy. She is taking Spanish classes, playing volleyball, learning Yoga, illustrating books, fixing tents, painting (oil and watercolor), organizing a book club along with working on the Proper Name Version of the Bible with Dad Fannin.
6) I have a new leadership role as president of the MBA real estate club. I am enjoying the opportunity to work with my classmates.

I guess that is it. Life is treating us very well and we are so thankful for so many blessings (including you who is reading this).

Love, David and Kelley


K&M said...

Thanks for the great informative update!!

Kelley, I'd love to see some of your latest works!!!

David, looking forward to hearing where you'll be this spring/summer!!

That's really neat you were able to write an article!



John and Hannah said...

I am glad to see the changing of the guard press conference went as planned. Congrats on becoming the next in a line of Shirkey presidents in all walks of life, including Matt as president of the "square the club at impact" club!

pops said...

Just came across the blog and say that I think this is a wonderful opportunity and I admire you both doing good work in the world. Blog on and blog often. Peace. Ken