Friday, April 17, 2009

Nearly a month long hiatus from blogging...

Hello Family and Friends.

Wow, it has been nearly a full month since Kelley and I posted a blog. Man, sorry about that. The excuse I could use for being absent expired last night....but I'm not sure what Kelley's excuse is?

Kelley had a chance to visit our families back home about 3 weeks ago. Here was the main attraction, Mikayla Fannin.

Here are some photos of other people Kelley was able to see during her visit.

Last night my team made our presentation for a real estate design competition, but since we did not win the event we are pretty much done with major school assignments for now. I still have some minor work, but nothing serious. I do have that minor issue of needing to find a job?
Here is a photo of my team. They were great to work with and I really thought we had a good chance to win, but we didn't. The winning concept was "Agriburbia".

Today, is one my final responsibilites as the leader of the real estate club at school. We have a guest speaker from ProLogis coming in. The interesting note is that my internship last summer at AMB, was with ProLogis' primary competitor!

Last weekend, Kelley's friend, Elizabeth visited us in Boulder. Here is a shot of the ski bunnies.

That's it. Bye for now. Love, David and Kelley.

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